RINGORAMA DELUXE EDITION : You got to hand it to Ringo Starr. After consistently releasing albums after albums without much sales, he finally managed to come up with this winner. Yes, even I, a long suffering listener of Ringo's oh so torturous music due to my loyalty to The Beatles find this enjoyable. This is also by far the most expensive Ringo's Cd I've ever purchased. I have to. A record seller whom I've happened to have a chat with called me up regarding this new deluxe edition and whether I was interested. Not wanting to disappointing him and being the nice guy that I am, I bought it. Thankfully I was not disappointed. There are three 3 Cd's here including a DVD. The first one was the Cd proper, the second one was an interview that Ringo did for a radio station while the third was the icing on the cake.Consists of videos of almost all the tracks and especially poignant was the video of 'Never Without You,' Ringo's heartfelt tribute to his fallen ex Beatle mate, George Harrison. Actually, this is really a scam on the part of the record company. Although the videos were good, the second Cd of Ringo's interview wasn't really necessary. Nevertheless, this is still a keeper..

Eye To Eye ( Starkey / Hudson / Dudas / Grakal ) : A solid opener of a rock song that sets the mood for the rest of the album. The kind of song that get the audience applauding in a live show.
Missouri Loves Company ( Starkey / Hudson / Dudas / Grakal ): This one slowed down the pace but the tune just grabs your attention by the sheer beauty of the melody. Undoubtedly one of the highlights here and one of my all time favourite Ringo songs. Just love the lead guitar.
Instant Amnesia ( Starkey / Hudson / Dudas / Grakal ) : A loud, typical rock 'n' roll track to hear and then to forget. The prolong fading out seems unnecessary.
Memphis In Your Mind ( Starkey / Hudson / Burr / Dudas ): Another rocker that shows Ringo have not forgotten how to rock. Ringo have taken to perform this rocker in his recent live concerts and I can see why. The beat is infectious and the melody is not too bad too.

Never Without You ( Starkey / Hudson / Nicholson ) : This track alone is worth the cost of the whole Cd. Almost as good as
Paul McCartney's ode to
John Lennon, 'Here Today,' this one shows Ringo in all his sincerity to his fallen mate,
George Harrison. Eric Clapton's playing on guitar didn't hurt either. Personally, I much prefer this to Paul's.
Imagine Me There ( Starkey / Hudson / Burr ) : A reflective song that sees our man handling ballad much better than he did in his earlier albums. I could actually sit through this and could actually like this.
I Think Therefore I Rock 'n' Roll ( Starkey / Hudson / Grakal / Santo ) : After the rather tiring but not totally bad track, we are awoke up with this nice little rocker.
Trippin' On My Tears ( Starkey / Hudson / Burr / Grakal ) : Another good rocker but the problem with one rocker after another no matter how good they are, tends to sounds alike..
Write One For Me ( Starkey / Hudson / Burr ) : A mid tempo track but as good as the rest. Made memorable by the appearance of Willie Nelson sharing vocal duty with Ringo.
What Loves Want To Be ( Starkey / Hudson / Burr ): Another ballad that amazingly Ringo seems to be getting quite adaptable at. Nice.
Love First , Ask Question Later ( Starkey / Hudson / Burr / Grakal ) : Another fairly slow number that has lots of charm to spare. Definitely one of the better moment here..Sort of grow on you.
Elizabeth Reigns ( Starkey / Hudson / Burr / Dudas / Grakal ) : Something very English about this track. Maybe it's the Elizabeth title. Another good track.
English Garden ( Starkey / Hudson / Burr / Dudas / Grakal ) : In the old days, I cringe at any Ringo's ballad but now I am listening to the second one in a row but I am still straining my ears to hear more. Towards the end, Ringo sang a few bar of Paul McCartney's 'Let 'Em In.'
Blink ( Starkey / Hudson / Dudas / Grakal ) : An uptempo track that would have been lost on his other albums but it blends well in here with the rest.
OK Ray ( Starkey / Hudson / Dudas / Hart / Foote ) : A fun number that Ringo sang playfully. This is real nice and I like it.
I'm Home ( Starkey / Hudson / Dudas )
DISC 3 : DVD :
RIngo RIght From The Start : Ringo reminisces about New York and tells why he thinks "Ringorama" is a step forward. He also talks about peace and love, and his incredible dream.
Eye To Eye - Album Track : Ringo explaining how he wrote this track with his M. Hudson, S. Dudas, and D. Grakal, and shows his skills at the skin.Ringo's wife, Barbara Bach was also in the studio.
Ringo Remembers : Ringo on his younger days and learning to drum, as well as going to Memphis for real and meeting the King of Rock 'n' Roll. This video also show Dave Gilmour and Timolthy B Schmidt jaming and rehearsing on the few tracks they was playing in.
Memphis In Your Mind - Album Track : This one features 'Elizabeth Reigns' rather than 'Memphis In Your Mind,' somebody must have got this mixed up.
Ringorama Radio Hour ID By Ringo Starr :
Ringo The Rocker : The drummer confesses that he is indeed a rocker not a mod, then tell us about his home and his successful relationship with his wife, Barbara.
Imagine Me There - Album Track :
Ringo On Writing : A chat about the Fabs clues for us all in Ringo Rama's lyrics...fame and the fans... and the Royal family.
Elizath Reigns - Album Track :
Ringo Guess Starrs : So what Mr. Starkey's chances for knighthood ? Ringo then tells of being joined on the new album by guests like Eric Clapton and David Gilmour, and the joy of recording in small studios with his collaborators Mark Hudson and The Roundheads.
I Think There I Rock 'n' Roll - Album Track
Ringo On The Road : To tour with The Roundheads vs. The All Starr Band, that is the question. The next questions : What was it like playing at The Concert For George , and how did the love song for George Harrison comes about ?
Never Without You - Album Track
Ringo Rama Radio ID By Ringo Starr
Ringo On Writing : Ringo reveals why it was so easy to write with George Harrison after The Beatles' break up, and how th4e new DVD version of The Anthology came about. And yes, drumming was his madness.
Instant Amnesia - Album Track
At Home With Ringo : More love and peace from Ringo Starr - and how he and Barbara relax.
English Garden - ALbum Track
Ringo Rana Radio Hour Wrap Up
DOP : 18th March 2006.